Only a Weak Woman or Eunuch Would Lament a 100-0 Win!
Satire By John W. Lillpop
OK, I can understand starting a third world war over a basketball game that ends 100-0.
That makes perfect sense and is morally and legally justified when one is on the losing team!
That same mindset makes absolutely no sense--zero, NADA, none--for the winning team.
However, as reported by SOP, reference 1, that is exactly what happened when a women's basketball team plundered their opponent by that lusty score.
From SOP, in part, this:
"Volley, in the title, would seem to have given away the sport, in which the two teams played, but you`d have been wrong and drives toward the hoop of righteousness would come off too contrived.
"But the Christian private academy the Covenant School in Dallas, did just that after their Girls` Varsity Basketball team annihilated an opponent 100 to nothing. To clear their own conscience, the school publicly apologized for humiliating their opponents a week after the blowout and sought to have the win stricken from their record."
Clearly, this school has been feminized to the maximum, making it virtually non-competitive.
Think about it: How in the hell is a team supposed to play to win if it must constantly ask, "Was that last fast break really necessary," or "With our large lead, shouldn't I miss both free throws so as not to harm the self-esteem of the gals on the other team?"
Egad, man, that is the purpose of the game!
Drive your opponent into the ground, thrash every ounce of confidence from their souls, and make them feel as worthless as cow dung lying in the middle of the road during a 100 degree heat wave in Texas.
Kill, destroy, ruin, demolish, devastate, and slaughter are words that capture the spirit involved in American competitive sports.
Only a wuss (female) or gelded eunuch would think otherwise!
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