Joy to the World! or Christmasphobia?
Satire By John W. Lillpop
In my opinion, Christmas should be a time of great joy and good will. People everywhere should be caught up in the "Christmas Spirit!"
To some, however, Christmas is but a dreary reminder of the grim consequences of allowing the unwashed masses to express religious superstitions. To such people, an "over exuberance" of faith during the Christmas season is reckless and irresponsible!
Joy to the World, NOT!
Christmas haters, usually nutball liberals, experience great joy only when denying people of faith a smattering of joy. They go to great lengths to force the removal of offensive Nativity scenes, or to cause Christmas trees to be thrown out.
Shutting down an unconstitutional reenactment of the Christmas story by a class of sappy third graders is a particular delight to leftists suffering from seasonal Christmasphobia.
These are the same crazed liberals who find the Holy Bible to be a repugnant work of fantasy by simplistic mad men, but who find great wisdom, love and hope on every page of the Koran.
To these anti-Christmas naysayers, I simply say, "Humbug!" There IS joy in the world.
Consider, please, these joyful events:
* The Iraq theater of the war on terror is being won by America, despite the wishful thinking of Harry Reid who prefers to believe that it is "lost."
* Hillary Clinton's "inevitability" as the 44th President of the United States is no more.
* Don Imus is back on the radio, while the not so reverent Al Sharpton is back under investigation by the FBI and IRS.
* After declaring herself the "most powerful woman in the world," Speaker Pelosi has been pummeled into submission by an 11 percent approval rating. Keeping Speaker Pelosi "declawed" is good for America!
* Oklahoma is winning the battle against freeloading illegal aliens and their advocates, mostly racist men and women in the clergy, and corrupt lawyers.
*Best of all: George W. Bush's lease on the Oval Office is set to expire in a little more than a month.
Joy to the World!
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