
satirebylillpop is a site dedicated to seeing humor in the crazy world in which we find ourselves. Politicians are the primary targets, but sports figures, movie stars and others are victimized when appropriate--and funny!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Being Naked Does NOT Strip One of Right to Privacy

By John W. Lillpop

So, based on your best deductive logic you reasoned that because your girlfriend decided to skinny dip in your studio apartment, she automatically relinquished any and all right to privacy?

Your keen legal mind further deduced that you could video tape the young thang in the all together and whilst both she and you were engaged in a playful game of touch Rugby?

Think again, toad, at least if you plan on getting naked and photogenic in the great state of Wisconsin!

This dilly from Yahoo (1):

"A state appeals court ruled Tuesday that a person who is voluntarily nude in the presence of another still has privacy rights against being secretly videotaped, in a decision that bolsters Wisconsin's video voyeur law.

"The ruling upholds the felony guilty plea of Mark Jahnke, who videotaped his girlfriend while she was naked and while they were having sex. He argued in his appeal that because the woman agreed to be naked around him, she had no reasonable expectation of privacy.

"The state Department of Justice argued that shared intimacy does not give a person the right to film another unknowingly."

Chalk up another defeat for good men at the hands (and other body parts) of wild-eyed, evil women who continue to think that sex is all about legalities and privacy this, privacy that!

May 2009 bring enlightenment and a keen sense of awareness to the female gender on this profound issue.

Awaken, ye of little faith and sultry vaginas!

Sex is meant to be a fulfilling spiritual experience; as such, it should be video taped, preserved and shared with cosmos everywhere!
