
satirebylillpop is a site dedicated to seeing humor in the crazy world in which we find ourselves. Politicians are the primary targets, but sports figures, movie stars and others are victimized when appropriate--and funny!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Global Warming? Bring It On!

Satire By John W. Lillpop

Fantastic weather makes living in the otherwise liberal lunacy of California sometimes bearable.

Indeed, musing about frigid conditions "back East" partially ameliorates the pain of residing within 50 miles of San Francisco, the city that has given the world Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Gavin Newsom, and the story line for Hollywood's "Milk."

According to the Weather Channel, Chicago languished in -10 degrees, while that -20 in New York City caused Katie Couric to don a ski cap, fur mittens, and solar-heated underwear in order to distort, misrepresent, and outright lie about the breaking news of the day!

Whilst Couric and other liberal pundits were showing off their frozen assets, things were balmy and beautiful here in what used to be God's country, before illegal aliens and Jihadists invaded.

For example, on one particularly delightful afternoon, the temp in San Jose reached 80 degrees, a 100 degree positive swing from the wicked conditions engulfing New York City which, because of it's liberal wackiness, deserves both -20 AND Katie Couric, in my humble opinion!

Meanwhile, the greatest snow job in history is about to dwarf the American Dream with an influx of Marxism and non-progressive prattle euphemistically called an "Inaugural Address."

On the afternoon of January 20, Barack Obama, America's newly crowned snowmaker-in-chief, will attempt to emulate one of the miracles performed by Jesus Christ.

However, whereas Jesus turned water into wine, the new age Messiah will attempt to convert tainted snow into "Change We Need" and "Post-Partisan" double talk.

Global warming? Bring it on!

Do it for the children!