Of Keith Olbermann, the VP Debate, and Masturbation
Satire By John W. Lillpop
Following the VP debate on Thursday, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann shared his astute observations with his viewers (moonlighting pharmacists, and on-call psychiatric nurses) about the opinion piece written by National Review editor Rich Lowry.
Olbermann,former sports caster turned intellectual pundit and water boy for the DNC, said Lowry's article, "read like soft core porn," and concluded, "I don't really care if you sat there last night during the debate and masturbated. But was it really necessary to tell America about it?"
Although lacking in any redeeming social value, the Olbermann drivel made it clear that the failed sportscaster indulges in porn, and,apparently enough of it, to know soft porn from the more pernicious genre, good old fashioned hard porn, a favorite among perverted lefties.
No doubt, Olbermann reads his porn after he runs out of box scores to mull over. Anything to keep the old mind sharp and alert, right Keith?
As to the masturbation jibe, where did that dilly come from? From the deep recesses of a diseased brain, one that finds football highlight films sexually stimulating?
Perhaps Olbermann was merely exposing his own sexual proclivities?
Indeed, did the host of "Countdown" spend last Saturday night alone in a dark room watching a replay of the VP debate while pleasuring himself?
While focusing on the images of the Democrat VP nominee?
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