Honest Questions: Beyond Joe Biden's Pay Grade!
Sarcasm By John W. Lillpop
One of the pitfalls of being a liberal Democrat politician is that one is almost never asked probing questions about policy or procedure. Thus, on the odd occasion when a journalism professional shows up, the unprepared leftist normally explodes with anger and resentment.
Plagiarist Joe Biden was reacquainted with that brutal truth last week.
It all happened when television reporter Barbara West had the temerity to ask the beleaguered senator several "unfair" questions.
To a Democrat, unfair means any question not of the "softball" variety which Biden is accustomed to getting from mainstream media freaks, after which he flashes that vile smile just to show that the constant ramming of his feet into his mouth has not knocked out all his front teeth.
Reporter West had the audacity to ask Biden about ACORN and Obama's communist manifesto delivered to Joe the Plumber, who, by the way, is more qualified to be vice president than Joe the Plagiarist.
These were honest and reasonable questions that the voting public deserves honest answers to. However, Joe the Plagiarist was in no mood for honest and reasonable questions.
Later on, Adrianne Marsh, Florida spokeswoman for Obama's campaign, characterized West as "both combative and woefully uninformed about simple facts," a perfect description of the addled Biden, it would seem.
In the end, though, Democrats got even by canceling a scheduled interview with Biden's wife and by suggesting that future interviews with WFTV were unlikely before Election Day.
The full story and video of the Biden Crucifixion at the stake are available at the link.
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